Welcome to Hascombe Parish Council

The Parish Council has developed this website in order to provide information about the village and the work of the Parish Council. We hope that it will become a valuable source of information and will help you to become involved in a wide range of village activities. We welcome your comments and suggestions and are pleased to include news and information concerning the village and surrounding area. If you have any suggestions for additional information please let us know by emailing clerk@hascombeparish.gov.uk.

Hascombe is a small village with a population of  307 in the 2011 census, enjoying a picturesque location in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The village benefits from a newly-built Village Hall, Recreation Ground and Cricket Pitch and the White Horse public house offers a warm welcome and excellent food. The village church, St Peter’s, is a Victorian gem and one of Simon Jenkins’ 1000 Best Churches.

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