About the Parish Council
The Parish Council is very active and provides a focus for the community. Council meetings are normally held every 8 weeks on a Monday evening in the village hall starting at 7.30 pm, members of the public are very welcome and have the opportunity to ask questions or raise relevant issues. Meeting dates and agendas are published on this website and the village notice boards.
The Parish Council is a statutory authority within the Local Government Framework influencing, where necessary, issues affecting higher level County and District/Borough Authorities. In the case of Hascombe Parish Council, this means Surrey County Council and Waverley Borough Council. You will have noticed in your Council Tax demand that you make a small contribution each year towards Parish Council spending. Making sure that all work is competitively priced, that money is used by the Parish Council to provide services in the village including:
maintenance of the village pond area
Community Speedwatch
Neighbourhood Watch
monitoring of footpaths, bridleways and highways
comments to the Waverley BC Planning Committee on planning applications
influencing policy decisions taken by Waverley BC and Surrey CC which affect the village.
If you would like to know more then please feel free to come along to our meetings which are held on Monday evenings, every 8 weeks at Hascombe Village Hall - details of meetings are published on the parish notice boards and on this website. For further information of the Powers and Duties of Local Councils go to the National Association of Local Councils website - www.nalc.gov.uk